CBSE Corner
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Name of the School with Address : | S.K.S. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL |
strictly as per Affiliation sanction letter or as permitted by the Board) | Maure Khurd, Near Lopoke Chogawan Distt. Amritsar, Punjab |
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Phone | 98098-01819 | |
Fax | – | |
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Year of establishment of school | 2019 |
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Whether NOC from State/UT or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained | YES |
NOC No. | SED-EDU303/71/2021-EDU3/285000/2021(1) | |
NOC Issuing Date | 25/11/2021 | |
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Is the school recognized, if yes by which Authority | YES |
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Status of affiliation : | |
Permanent /Regular / Provisional | PROVISIONAL | |
Affiliation No. | 1631433 | |
Affiliation with the Board since | 2022 | |
Extension of affiliation upto | 2027 | |
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Name of Trust /Society / Company | Dera Sat Kartar |
Registered under Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860. | ||
Period upto which Registration of Trust/Society is valid | Permanant | |
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List of members of school Managing Committee with their Address /tenure and post held | |
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Name and official address of the Manager | Mr. ASHOK KUMAR Dera Satkartar Moure Khurd |
Phone | 6283880163 | |
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Name of the Grievances/Redressal Officer | Mrs. Shivani Sood | | ||
Phone | 7803070009 | |
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Members of Sexual Harrassment Committee | Mrs. Sukhwinder Kaur |
Mrs. Rajbir Kaur | ||
Mrs. Ramneet Kaur | ||
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Academic Session Period | 1st April to 31st March |
Vacation Period (Summer) | 1st June to 30th June | |
Admission Period | December to March |